
  中文字幕一精品亚洲无线 . UV产品 . UV仪表 . UV配件 . UV应用 . UV技术 . 相关产品 . 超值特价 . 关于公司 . 联系我们  
深圳市润沃机电有限公司 简介
ISO9000质量认证 证书
深圳市润沃机电有限公司 简介

       公司成立之初,是间作坊式的来料加工厂,当时为了保证基本的生产条件、需要添加UV设备。由于缺乏资金,我们就大胆借鉴、尝试。竟然依靠自己的力量,陆续的制造了数台简陋,但却实用的UV设备。从此为蜕变我们今天的润沃机电公司奠定了突变的基因和成长的方向……。我们完全是通过自强自信、刻苦钻研、务实创新、从0开始一步一个脚印成长起来的公司。由此注定了我们健康向上的心理素质、自然纯朴的企业氛围。这是我们引以自豪的,也是重要的。综上所述加之取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益,1999年经市政府批准,由市长亲自授匾,成为深圳市首批十家"重点服务企业"之一,同年成为"深圳市中小企业发展促进会"常务理事单位至今;2000年导入并通过了ISO9001质量体系,使公司的管理及产品又上一新台阶。2004年成为中国辐射固化行业组织(RadTech China)理事。同年为了扩大生产、展示润沃人的价值,公司自行征购土地,兴建了极具现代的花园式工业园区。今天的润沃公司,拥有经过近10年累积的跨行业多领域的经验和纯朴而不失超前意识的综合团队,可提供多功能,高可靠、新技术的整厂装备,常规的产品衍生出几十个品种系列,在电子、光纤、液晶、丝印、包装等众多领域得到广泛应用。今天的润沃公司在众多的同行厂家乃至世界同行中已被人知晓和重视。我们的产品有在欧美等发达国家直接和间接销售的案例,甚至和他们建立了良好的商务关系和信任。我们从开始的每年销售几十台至今,累计已有几千台套的设备可靠的运转在世界众多公司,其中不乏诸如飞利浦、华为、富士康、法兰奥、富士、海拉……等国际知名大企业。由于润沃机电从开始就坚持诚实认真的传统礼德、崇尚技术的狂热嗜好。这使得润沃机电成为脚踏实地队列中成长较快的公司之一。

RUNWING CO.,LTD, founded in Shenzhen, in 1997. We are an professional enterprise of research , manufacture UV industrial application system and other equipments concerned.From initial time, we are only a workshop type factory for process, at that time, we have to purchase UV machine in order to guarantee the basic production condition. Because of lacking funds, we need to try and use successful experience for reference, and at the end,we made several sets of UV machine depending on ourself ability, they are so practical although they are simple.   Therefore, it gives us the breaked gene and guides the growth way for today’s Runwing by metamorphosis from a workshop.
We completely growed from a company based on zero groundwork, with self-confidence, assiduous research,and pure-hearted innovation spirits.it destines our healthy mentality characters of aspirant, natural and ordinary enterprise atmosphere.We are proud of all of these characters, and regard them as important cultures all the time.
Because of getting the better economic and social achievement, we were evaluated as one of the first group of ten "Key Service Corporation" by Shenzhen city mayor in 1999, also certified as constant affairs director of " Shenzhen promotion association for small and medium enterprises ". The company’s management and products rise to a new grade after getting certification of ISO9001 in 2000. we became the constant affairs director of RadTech China in 2004.The same year, we bought field and built a modern and gardenesque industrial park ourselves, It is not only for enlarge production but also exhibit RUN WING man’s value.
Today's RUN WING owns cumulative UV field experience.  With the preternatural team- spirit, we can provide functional, credible and new technical systems. There are more than ten varieties of series derive from the standard products and they are widely used in electron, optical fiber, LCD, silk-screen printing, packing and other fields.
We are known and regarded among craft brother companies and even in the world today. we own business the cases in exporting for Euramerican developed countries directly and indirectly, even though established good business relationship with them.
From the beginning ,we only sell more than ten machines,and today, more than thousands machines reliably work for multitudinous famous enterprises in the world,Such as PHILIPS, HUAWEI, FOXCONN,VALEO, FUJI, HELLA…..
 With persisting in honest traditional moral, and enthusiastic about new technology, we are now one of the rapidly developed companies.
    To create products based on characters, push development by innovation  and shape future by quality is our management motto.  We are fully confident that we can satisfy our clients with specialization and supply high quality products and services.


版权所有©1998~2007 润沃公司 保留所有权利

电话Tel:86+755+88832999   传真Fax:86+755+88828899   电子邮箱:runwing@runwing.com
位置坐标: 22°41'40.92"N,113°57'25.78"E